Posts Tagged
Guardian Angels
9 quotes from saints about guardian angels

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Oct 2, 2023 / 04:00 am During the month of October, the Catholic Church celebrates guardian angels. Guardian angels are instruments of providence who help protect their charges from suffering serious harm and assist them on the path of salvation. It is a teaching of …
EWTN Poll: U.S. Catholics have strong belief in angels, but Eucharistic devotion lags

by Joe Bukuras, Kevin J. Jones Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 8, 2022 / 14:05 pm A new survey shows that Catholics are more likely to profess belief in guardian angels than belief in the Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist. The results are both a challenge and an opportunity to grow in …
Companions of Saint Gerard

October 16 marks St. Gerard’s feast day. The patron saint over many causes, he is especially called on to intercede for children (particularly the unborn), a safe childbirth, expectant mothers, motherhood and those experiencing infertility. Thus, when Bradley and Meghan Barnes founded a ministry to support infertile couples, they named …
Prayer Partners: Strengthening Parish and School Bonds

The Catholic faith is a communal religion. It’s right there in the name, Catholic, which means universal. Being Catholic means having a relationship with God, the saints and our fellow believers in the pews. The Prayer Partner program at Guardian Angels Parish and School in Mt. Washington fosters this community, …
October 2: The Guardian Angels

“For he hath given his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” – Psalm 90:11 The truth that each and every human soul has a Guardian Angel who protects us from both spiritual and physical evil has been shown throughout the Old Testament, and is made …
Question of Faith: Unique Guardian Angels?

Q. Does each person have a unique guardian angel? If so, do angels have lifespans? Do they reproduce, or were all the angels necessary for the whole of human history created at the beginning of time? A: Each Sunday during the Creed, we profess that God the Father is the …
Looking Back: Former Reds mascot makes connection to faith through youth ministry

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Bradley Barnes recalls the youth ministers who inspired him when he was a child and in his teenage years. Now he hopes to do the same for the young people at Guardian Angels Parish in Mt. Washington, where he has served as coordinator …
Everyone has a guardian angel to protect, guide in life, pope says
VATICAN CITY — Everyone has a guardian angel who is advising and protecting each individual on earth, Pope Francis said at morning Mass. Whenever people hear a little voice in their head, “‘Well, do this. That would be better. You mustn’t do this …’ Listen! Don’t turn against him” because …
Throwback Thursday: Guardian Angels artist was spot on

Staff Report The artist’s rendition is a key visual in the promotion of any construction project. An artist making such a piece is creating the final “sales pitch” to the public to show what a finished project might be like and one such example is today’s Throwback Thursday. Every once …
Music director loves leading people to the Lord
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph “This is what I’m supposed to be doing. This is my vocation.” To be able to utter those words with such joy and certainty is a blessing and it’s how George Stegeman, director of music at Guardian Angels Parish at Mt. Washington, speaks …