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Meet Lehman Graduate Elias Bezy

Lehman grad discerning call to priesthood His faith and vocation were first nurtured at home, then at Lehman Catholic High School in Sidney, said recent graduate Elias Bezy. One of 11 children, he recalls attending daily Mass with his mother, Bree, and developing an early affinity for priestly ministry. While …
Meet Chaminade Julienne Graduate Dave Cotton

Kairos retreat impacts Chaminade Julienne grad Dave Cotton readily admits that as an eighth grader on his high school search, Chaminade Julienne (CJ) “wasn’t at the top of my list.” After shadowing there, however, he was drawn to the school’s diversity, welcoming atmosphere and the fact that the teachers are …
Meet Catholic Central Springfield Graduates Adelaide and Hannah Taylor

Catholic Central grads follow family tradition Attending Catholic Central High School in Springfield was truly all in the family for twins Adelaide and Hannah Taylor. Their grandparents and father are alums; older sisters, Katie and Erin, graduated in 2013 and 2016, respectively; and younger sibling, Mackenzie, is a member of …
Hardesty for June: Five ways to keep your faith on campus

You just graduated from high school. Congratulations! Now college is on the horizon, a time full of promise and possibility. You will learn a lot, meet interesting people, choose a career, and possibly even find the person you will marry. You will also make important decisions about your faith …
Graduation in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati 2017; 3,144 Graduate this spring

Archbishop Alter High School, Kettering 161 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 99% Total Scholarship amount offered class*: $17,259,000 Stephen T. Badin High School, Hamilton 133 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 99% Total Scholarship amount offered class*: $18,000,000 Carroll High School, Dayton 175 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 97% Total Scholarship …
Badin High concludes 50th anniversary with graduation of the Class of 2017

Badin High School will conclude its 50th anniversary celebration when the Class of 2017 graduates on Friday, June 2, at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Liberty Township. “We’ve hit some very meaningful milestones in the past couple of years,” said Badin High Principal Brian Pendergest. “We’re proud of the Class …
Nearly $19 million in scholarships to the Badin High School Class of 2017

Badin High School’s Class of 2017, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the school’s opening in 1966-67, has amassed nearly $19 million in college academic scholarship offers. “It’s a measure of the opportunity a Badin High School education provides,” said Principal Brian Pendergest as Badin hosted its 11th annual Academic Signing …
McNicholas grad ‘sees God’ in service to others

Service to others is important to Emma Kapp, a recent graduate of McNicholas High School. “I see the face of God in others,” she said. “I learn from their faith and genuine kindness.” Kapp, the daughter of Shannon and Jim, attended grade school at Guardian Angels (GA) in Mt. Washington, and …
Royalmont senior literally in a class by himself

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Royalmont Academy Classical Preparatory High School student Isaac Chmiel is in a league of his own. The senior represents the entirety of the Royalmont class of 2015. He’s also the school’s first high school graduate as Royalmont became a secondary school this academic year …
By the numbers: A glance at the Class of 2015

Staff Report There are 24 Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati that will graduate 3,168 men and women into the college ranks, military or workforce this summer. Here’s a by the numbers look at the class of 2015. • Largest Graduating Class: 376 St. Xavier High School • …