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I have Project Rachel to thank for my life today

In our life’s journey, we often encounter moments of profound pain and grief that can leave us feeling lost and alone. The loss of a child through abortion is one such instance that many women and men quietly carry in their hearts. Amid this silent suffering, a beacon of hope …
The Wounds of Sin

In our last two reflections, we explored the nature of the sin that occurred at the beginning of human history, when Satan tempted our first parents to mistrust their Creator and seek to supplant Him. Being deceived, they grasped at divinity, thinking they could determine right from wrong and become …
Demanding More than We Can Give

“The human person is a good toward which the only proper attitude is love.” – Pope St. John Paul II This year my husband has become somewhat of a hobbyist at having surgery. Afflicted with various health problems, he submitted each to medical experts who responded with, “We need to …
“I Felt the Love of Jesus Pouring Out”: Catholics Return to Confession

by Katie Yoder Arlington, Va., Jul 4, 2021 / 13:00 pm Whether they’re returning to confession after the pandemic or after falling away from their faith, Catholics have “no reason for fear.” Fr. Daniel Gee, who serves in the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, says that all Catholics need the Sacrament …
Today’s Video: The Virtue That Takes Virtue to the Next Level

Father Mike introduces us to the virtue that makes other virtues excellent: magnanimity. If someone asked you what the most essential virtues are, you might say humility, faith, hope, or love. But have you ever heard of the virtue of magnanimity? What this virtue does is it magnifies—or makes greater—other …
Everything is unmerited grace, Pope Francis says

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Sep 20, 2020 / 06:35 am MT (CNA).- God’s grace is not something we deserve, but he gives it to us anyway, Pope Francis said Sunday during his weekly Angelus address. God’s “action is more than just, in the sense that it goes beyond justice …
Catholic priest in Australia says grace helped him save surfer in shark attack

CNA Staff, Aug 10, 2020 / 02:48 pm MT (CNA).- Fr. Liam Ryan, a long-time surfer, was on vacation visiting his best friend in Western Australia when, on the afternoon of July 31, he noticed a fellow surfer in distress. “I saw him off his board, looking really lost and …
Editor’s Note: Finding Grace with Children at Mass

As parents of young children in church, we’ve all been there: the squirming, the diving below the pews, the waving for attention of the adults behind us, the too-loud whispers to “Sit down and be quiet,” and “Listen to Father.” I confess that, as a mother of four children under …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Every Catholic should know the definition of a sacrament as “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” And what s grace? The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” calls grace “participation in the life of God.” That is a font that never runs dry. Moreover, the grace poured out …