Posts Tagged
Good Shepherds
World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 21

Prayer for Vocations Almighty Father, You have created us for some definite purpose. Grant us the grace to know the path You have planned for us in this life and to respond with a generous “Yes.” Make our archdiocese, parishes, homes and hearts fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations. …
Pope Francis asks for prayer for vocations to the priesthood on Good Shepherd Sunday

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, May 3, 2020 / 06:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis called on all Catholics to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life on Good Shepherd Sunday, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “Priesthood and consecrated life require courage and perseverance, and without …
Program helps priests be ‘Good Leaders, Good Shepherds’
August 10, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Amid the challenges of a diminishing number of clergy and the complexities of priestly ministry today, the Good Leaders, Good Shepherds program is helping priests to strengthen their leadership skills and day-to-day ministry as they lead members of their parish communities …