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Q&A: What are the rules for godparents?

Dear Father: I have a question regarding godparents. It seems mandatory that a godparent be a Catholic. I could have a Catholic be a godparent and move three years after the baptism to another state. The child would only rarely see them, possibly only on holidays. I could ask a non-catholic …
Godparent Guide

Requirements to be a Catholic Godparent: “Each child may have a godfather and a godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the rite to describe both.” (Rite of Baptism for Children 6) Only one godparent is necessary. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at …
So You’re a Brand New Godparent? Now What?

by Katie Sciba Congratulations! You’re a brand new godparent to a brand-new Catholic! From here on out, you have a duty to nurture and cultivate the Catholic faith in the heart of your godchild. It’s a big undertaking and can be one of the most significant roles you’ll ever have! …
Vatican doctrine office: Transgender-identifying people can be baptized, witness marriages

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Nov 8, 2023 / 14:25 pm The Vatican’s doctrine office has said an adult who identifies as transgender can receive the sacrament of baptism under the same conditions as any adult, as long as there is no risk of causing scandal or confusion to other Catholics. …
Baptism Without Godparents?

Are godparents necessary for baptism? If so, what are the requirements for godparents, and what does the Church expect of them? During the COVID-19 pandemic, when person-to-person interactions were limited, many infant baptisms were held in private—some with only the parents, the child and the minister. Though preferred, baptismal sponsors …
Godfather ban: Sicilian Catholic diocese suspends naming of godparents at baptism for 3 years

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Oct 20, 2021 / 06:10 am There will be no godfathers named in the Sicilian archdiocese of Catania for the next three years due to a decree issued by the archbishop that came into full effect this month. Archbishop Salvatore Gristina of Catania has said …
Baptize baby or let them decide when they’re older?

Many parents these days are taking the “wait and see” approach with religion, not having their children baptized and letting them decide when they’re older.
Vatican upholds bishop’s refusal to allow transsexual to be godparent
Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s doctrinal congregation upheld a Spanish bishop’s refusal to allow a transsexual person to be a godparent. Bishop Rafael Zornoza Boy of Cadiz and Ceuta said in a written statement that the Catechism of the Catholic Church says godparents must be “firm believers, able …