Posts Tagged
Giving Back

CINCINNATI – December 2, 2021 – St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati will host its second winter coat distribution of the season on Saturday, December 4, from 9am to noon at the Central Parkway YMCA (1105 Elm Street). All members of the media are invited to attend. The event is …
Catholic couple donates hundreds of Thanksgiving turkeys in Brooklyn, Queens

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Nov 22, 2020 / 03:01 pm MT (CNA).- For one Catholic businessman in New York City, Thanksgiving has long been a time of sacrifice and generosity. For each of the past four years, Alphonse Catanese and his wife have donated hundreds of turkeys to needy …
Pope Francis: Stretch out your hand to the poor

Vatican City, Nov 15, 2020 / 06:20 am MT (CNA).- Jesus is telling us today to stretch out our hand to the poor, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address Sunday. Speaking from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square Nov. 15, the fourth World Day of the Poor, the pope …
Finding a New Purpose: Common Thread Volunteers Sew and Donate Masks for Dayton Hospice

by Patricia McGeever The boxes arrived in late March at Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton. They contained 500 handmade, bright red covers for N95 face masks, courtesy of the sewing charity, Common Thread in Cincinnati. N95 masks are being used by health care workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. …
Millennial Giving: A Complex Situation

by John Stegeman There’s a presumption in some circles that Millennials (generally described as those born between 1980 and 2000) are not engaged in charitable giving, but a look at the data suggests this isn’t true. The reality is that Millennials are supporting non-profits, they just have fewer financial resources …
Today’s Video: a Lenten Study in How to Live This Lent for Others

Father Mike Schmitz: Lent is about transformation, but that transformation will be incomplete if we make it about ourselves. Instead of aiming for self-mastery alone this Lent, what is the key to living this Lent for others? Discipline is great, but there’s a step after that: being generous. Asking God …
#igive Catholic 2019

Updated December 4, 2019: Over $ 375,680 was raised on #igiveCatholic Tuesday. The Top Ten in amount raised were: 1. St. John Fisher Parish (Newtown) $54,620.00 2. Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio $39,555.00 3. St. Ignatius of Loyola Church $36,641.00 4. Corpus Christi Church (Cincinnati) $30,220.00 5. St. Stephen Church $24,567.00 …
High Schools Giving Back: La Salle, McNicholas & Ursuline Academy

La Salle High School For more than 15 years, La Salle High School has served communities outside of Cincinnati as part of the Lasallian Youth Service Immersion Trip (LYSIT) program. During the summer of 2018, over 45 students and adult chaperones served Give Kids The World (Orlando, Fla.), St. Bernard …
Giving Back: Ursuline Students Spend Spring Break at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota

Cincinnati, OH – April 27, 2017: Thirteen Ursuline Academy students spent their spring break in service to others at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They were accompanied by Ursuline faculty members Ms. Kara Sheldon and Ms. Vicki Zaya, the group spent a week in April doing outreach …