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Catholic Church in Germany lost a record number of members last year

CNA Staff, Jun 26, 2020 / 07:30 am MT (CNA).- A record number of Catholics formally left the Church in Germany in 2019, according to official figures released Friday. The statistics issued June 26 showed that 272,771 people exited the Catholic Church last year, a significant increase on the 2018 …
Benedict XVI returns to Rome after visiting ill brother in Germany

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jun 22, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- Pope emeritus Benedict XVI arrived back in Rome Monday after a four-day trip to Germany to visit his ailing brother. The Diocese of Regensburg reported June 22 that 93-year-old Benedict XVI said goodbye to his 96-year-old brother, …
Benedict XVI celebrates Mass with his ill brother on feast of the Sacred Heart

CNA Staff, Jun 19, 2020 / 02:32 am MT (CNA).- Pope emeritus Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass with his ailing brother on the feast of the Sacred Heart during his first full day in Germany Friday. A June 19 statement from the Diocese of Regensburg said that after Benedict XVI …
Benedict XVI visits his ailing brother in Germany

CNA Staff, Jun 18, 2020 / 06:35 am MT (CNA).- Pope emeritus Benedict XVI is making a private visit to Germany to see his ailing brother Msgr. Georg Ratzinger. CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language partner agency, said June 18 it had confirmed with sources close to the pope emeritus that Benedict …