Posts Tagged
German Mass
Did you know: Old St. Mary’s Church in Over-the-Rhine (St. Marien Kirche)

“I’ve been coming down here since the 1960s, and they’ve always had this rathskeller. It’s an old tradition in Germany. They needed someone new to run it, so I’ve done it for probably 20 years now. In Germany, the farmers would come to town and have beer after Mass and …
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Bockfest Mass

Old St. Mary’s Church gives the neighborhood’s annual Bockfest some needed gravitas. An irreverent celebration of craft beer and German heritage, the festival gives more than a nod to the neighborhood’s past as a German Catholic enclave, as well as to the ongoing presence of Franciscan friars. But as the country’s only …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for January

In the January edition of The Catholic Telegraph, we introduced a new feature called the Bucket List. This is for the great events within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for you to attend, recommended by our readers. Here’s this month’s online version: Go: Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics 2291 …