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Gail Finke

To download the PDF, click: Did you know St Peter in Chains This feature appeared in the September edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. For your complimentary subscription, click here.

by Gail Finke Mother Frances: Sainthood to come? 1868 Mother Frances visits Cincinnati + Covington 1934 Mother Frances declared Venerable 1972 Healing of Covington,KY, resident William Anness ruled not miraculous 1974 Venerable Frances is beatified 1989 Inexplicable healing of Cincinnati resident Thomas Siemers 2008 The cause for Ven. Frances’s canonization …

“I’ve been coming down here since the 1960s, and they’ve always had this rathskeller. It’s an old tradition in Germany. They needed someone new to run it, so I’ve done it for probably 20 years now. In Germany, the farmers would come to town and have beer after Mass and …

Staff Report With each successive protest held against national abortion provider Planned Parenthood, more and more people are turning out to support life. Just less than a month after a weekday protest drew nearly 500 pro-lifers, on Saturday Aug. 22, more than 1,100 turned out for a #ProtestPP rally at …