Posts Tagged
Friday Photo
Friday Photos: Catholics make big showing at West Side parade

Staff Report For more than 150 years on the west side of Cincinnati, a parade and accompanying fair have been sure signs that fall is on the horizon. The 156th Harvest Home Parade marched through the streets of Cheviot on Thursday and many Catholic schools and parishes participated.
Friday Photo: Human Foosball main attraction at Catholic festival

Staff Report In Stephensville, Wis., St. Patrick’s parish has long hosted a summer festival with pig wrestling as the main attraction. Concerns over the practice put an end to the pig wrestling but the parish came up with a new event — human foosball.
Friday Photo: Behind the scenes on Food for All

Staff Report You’re probably familiar with Food for All, but if not, you will be soon. A creative branding effort, featuring a fish and bread, the campaign name, and the slogan Be Multiplied, the branding calls to mind Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and …
Friday Photo: That’s not a mitre

Staff Report In honor of Pope Francis, who is in the midst of a July 5-12 visit to Latin America, we almost renamed this Friday Photo feature, “Fun Hat Friday.” There’s a long history of papal headwear. Many years ago, popes wore a tiara. Francis and past pontiffs frequently wear a …
Friday Photo: A taste of glory

Staff Report By this point in the summer, students have long forgotten what was on their final exam. Sure to be remembered, however, are moments like the one captured above. Featuring Alter High School students Kyly Borton, Kristen Petrovsky, Abby Nichols, and Perri Bockrath, this photo was taking after the …
Friday Photo: Cinco de Mayo

Staff Report Members of Orgullo Mexicano (Mexican Pride) under the direction of Imelda Ayala, performed for teachers and guests at the 26th Annual Miami Valley Teacher Awards Banquet in Kettering May 5 or Cinco de Mayo.