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Obituary: Father Robert “Bob” Weakley, OFM

Fr. Robert “Bob” Weakley, OFM, died Jan. 23 at St. John the Baptist Friary in Cincinnati. Fr. Bob, 80, served as a teacher, pastor and chaplain, and was known for his love for reading, walking and good conversation. Born on March 31, 1941 in Peoria, Ill., Fr. Bob was one …
Obituary: Fr. Neri Greskoviak, OFM

Fr. Neri Greskoviak, OFM Known for his creativity and humor, Fr. Neri Greskoviak, OFM, died Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021, at St. John the Baptist Friary in Cincinnati. Fr. Neri was 85 years old. Born on March 23, 1936, in Minonk, Ill, Richard Greskoviak was one of four children of Joseph …
Obituary: Father Valentine Young, OFM

Father Valentine Young, OFM died on January. 17 at the age of 88. Preceded in death by all of his immediate family, Father Valentine is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. He was born Feb. 20, 1931, one of 11 children of Clarence and Margaret (Groh) Young of …
Obituary: Bro. Joseph Haley OFM

Brother Joseph Haley OFM is remembered by many for his service at Roger Bacon High School, died Feb. 26, 2019 at St. Margaret Hall. Br. Joe, who spent most of his ministry in business and accounting work, was 75 years old and preparing to celebrate his 50th anniversary as a …