Posts Tagged
freedom of speech
J.K. Rowling’s transgender comments could violate new hate speech law, official says

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Apr 2, 2024 / 14:45 pm A new hate speech law that went into effect in Scotland on Monday could prompt investigations into those, such as author J.K. Rowling, who refer to transgender individuals by their biological sex, rather than their self-proclaimed gender identity, a …
Americans of faith feel less accepted by society, new survey finds

By Peter Pinedo Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 16, 2024 / 09:00 am Religious Americans feel their faith is less accepted by society than in previous years, a new survey by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty found. According to Becket, “the greatest change in perceived feelings of acceptance is among Christians.” …
BREAKING: Supreme Court sides with web designer opposed to same-sex marriage

By Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Jun 30, 2023 / 08:50 am The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment’s free speech clause protects a Colorado web designer who feared she would be prosecuted under state anti-discrimination law for her faith-based objections to designing websites that promote same-sex marriage …
The Church accompanies the people in their legitimate claims, priest says of Cuba protests

by Diego Lopez Marina Camagüey, Cuba, Jul 23, 2021 / 18:01 pm The Church is accompanying those protesting Cuba’s communist government, according to a priest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey. “I will speak about the part of the Church that I know, the one that touches me closely in this …
Wave of arrests in Hong Kong targets pro-democracy politicians, activists

CNA Staff, Jan 6, 2021 / 03:52 pm MT (CNA).- Police in Hong Kong arrested more than 50 people Wednesday for apparent violations of a China-imposed “national security law”— the latest in a series of crackdowns that have seen several prominent pro-democracy Catholics arrested and charged on the island. Among …
Suit filed over Canada Summer Jobs program; Canadian Bishops Respond

By Gail Finke The Toronto Right to Life Association filed a suit against the Canadian government this week, alleging that a change to funding the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program amounts to government discrimination against churches and other religious groups that condemn abortion and hold conservative positions on social issues, …
Trudeau: Pro-life position “not in line” with Canadian society

See minute 30.30 for the exchange about free speech between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a student. In it Trudeau said that speech and belief are protected by Canadian law, but acting on beliefs is not. Canadian PM’s clarification on Summer Jobs Program funding seems to affirm that churches and other religions that follow their …