Posts Tagged
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
Obituary: Sr. Betty Ann Igo, SFP

Sister Betty Ann Igo, 91, passed into the heart of God on June 13, 2023 after an acute illness. Betty was one of three children born to the late Gertrude and Stanley Igo on April 5, 1932 in Covington, KY. She held fond memories of her growing years of childhood …
Caroling Catholic nuns surprise holiday shoppers in downtown Boston

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Dec 11, 2022 / 06:30 am Holiday shoppers and other passersby in downtown Boston were pleasantly surprised Thursday to come upon a group of religious sisters singing Christmas carols in front of the Macy’s department store. “It was warm everywhere else except where we were …
Obituary: Sister M. Grace Frances Strauber, SFP

Sister M. Grace Frances Strauber, (nee: Lenore Volle) 94, quietly passed into the heart of God on Friday, May 13, 2022. She was the only child of the late Jerome and Grace Martin Strauber, born and raised in New York. Despite being an only child, Lenore had the pleasure of …
Obituary: Sr. Mary Lawrence Vanderburg, SFP

Vanderburg, Sr. Mary Lawrence (nee: Dorothy Louise) passed quietly into the heart of God on Monday, March 28, 2022 at the age of 96. Dorothy was born on September 25, 1925 to the late Joseph and Mary Ruth Vanderburg in Columbus, Ohio. She was the sixth of eight children, six …
Obituary: Sr. M. Pascaline Colling, SFP

Sr. M. Pascaline Colling, SFP (nee: Dorothy Mae) passed quietly into the heart of God on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at the age of 95. Dorothy Mae was born on January 29, 1926 to the late Emerson and Bertha Colling in Quincy, Illinois. She was one of two children, preceded …
Chicago’s Running Nun talks about faith and sport

Denver Newsroom, Apr 18, 2021 / 02:00 am America/Denver (CNA). When Chicago shut down last March because of the coronavirus pandemic, Sister Stephanie Baliga was certain the shutdown wouldn’t affect the Chicago Marathon in October. So certain, that she made a pretty crazy promise. “I said in April, ‘I’m so …
Biedenbach honored as communicator of year by Guild

Lisa Biedenbach – a writer, editor and nonprofit operations director – will be honored as the Salesian Guild’s Communicator of the Year at the 2019 annual dinner of the Salesian Guild on Saturday, Jan. 26. The Salesian Guild, which will celebrate its 75th anniversary at this event, is named for …
Jubilarians 2018: Franciscan Sisters of the Poor

Sr. Marie Clement Edrich – 75 Years Sr. Marie Clement Edrich, a native of Cincinnati, has had a variety of opportunities, quite diverse to serve God and the SFP Congregation. Initially educated as a Pharmacist, she only spent a few years in our hospitals before she was sent to Rome …
Franciscan sisters update foundress’ cause for canonization

By Erin Schurenburg Only one diocesan inquiry for sainthood has happened in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Blessed Frances Schervier (1819-1876), the European-born founder of a new Franciscan community, lived a life of holiness and service. In 1844, she became a secular Franciscan. The next year, she and four companions established …
Franciscan sisters minister in rural Kentucky

It’s an hour drive to see a movie or eat at a fast food restaurant. But, the things most of us take for granted pale in comparison to the joy Franciscan Sisters (Tiffin) Marge Eilerman and Angie Kiel find through their ministry among the marginalized in Owsley County in eastern …