Posts Tagged
first communion
First Holy Communion, The Rosary & Theology of the Body

May is an exciting time for Catholics. Many children will continue their lifelong journey with Jesus as they receive Him in the Eucharist for the first time. May is also recognized by the Church as Mary’s month. It seems fitting for children to receive their First Holy Communion during a …
Throwback Thursday: Students prep for first communion with ‘Mass’

Springtime is here with all that means. The Easter season continues, pollen counts are high, and thousands of young boys and girls are preparing to meet Jesus Christ in their first reception of Holy Communion. Since the spring doubles as “first communion season,” today’s Throwback Thursday highlights the second graders …
Witnessing First Communions brings back memories
A large First Communion crowd and a loud baby (my own) made it very hard to pay attention at Mass this weekend as my wife, mother-in-law, and I stood in the back of St. Martin of Tour’s in Cheviot this Sunday. Even so, First Communion always brings back memories for …
The multiple presences of Christ keep me Catholic
First Communion Sunday. It had been anticipated in our house for some months. Of course, there were the preparations at school. These culminated one evening where a dinner was held during which the story of Israel’s Passover from slavery into freedom was connected with Jesus’ Last Supper at which the …