Posts Tagged
February 2024
Catholic Educators Play a Crucial Role

I was raised in a loving, Catholic family. We went to Mass every Sunday, prayed the Rosary weekly as a family and attended Catholic school. We all played sports, served Mass and participated in Catholic youth groups and other faith building programs. I am grateful for the opportunities my parents …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for February 2024

February For the terminally ill We pray that those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.
Pam Vissing, Mercy McAuley High School, Leaders in Discipleship

by Kary Ellen Berger Imagine staying in your home for 50 years. Certain smells and the feel of walking the halls would never be the same if you moved elsewhere. Pam Vissing graduated from McAuley High School, returned to complete her student teaching at her alma mater then taught for …
Papal Infallibility

What does it mean to say the pope is infallible? Can any human truly be infallible? The doctrine of papal infallibility is rooted in the belief that the pope, as the Bishop of Rome and the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, has been given a unique role by Jesus …
Catholic Discipleship in Liberal Protestant America

In the midst of rapidly changing social norms, the challenges of Catholic discipleship in the U.S. have become increasingly difficult and frustrating. Making matters worse, Catholics can be found on both sides of polarizing cultural and political issues, each thinking theirs is the only reasonable position for a Catholic to …
Book Review: Hope: An Invitation

To look at her picture on the cover of Hope: An Invitation, you would not think that Sr. Josephine Garrett — a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth—hails from what she described as a hopeless childhood. “I am a woman full of hope,” she states frankly …
Rachel Hess, Director of Religious Education, Leaders in Discipleship

by John Stegeman While some young adults lose their faith in college, others, like Rachel Hess, find it anew and share it with others. A graphic designer turned Director of Religious Education (DRE) for the St. Henry Family of Parishes in the archdiocese’s northwest corner, Hess first felt called to …
Busca al Senor

En su homilía de apertura para la XIII Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos, el Papa Benedicto XVI dijo: “La Iglesia existe para evangelizar. Fieles al mandato del Señor Jesucristo, sus discípulos fueron por el mundo entero para anunciar la Buena Noticia, fundando por todas partes las comunidades …
Adultery of the Heart, Part 3

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). The New Law of the Gospel given to us by Christ calls us to conversion of heart. External conformity to the moral law is not sufficient. God desires the whole …