Posts Tagged
February 2024
Out and the Archdiocese for February 2024

1) New Blue Ribbon Schools St. Margaret of York School and St. Mary’s School in Hyde Park earned the designation of an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School for 2023. The U.S. Department of Education recognized 353 schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools this year and stated that National …
Holy Angels Sidney

The original building used for Masses (celebrated by visiting priests) at what is now Holy Angels Parish in Sidney was blown up by the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party (strongly supported in Ohio) in 1855. 1848 First Masses celebrated in parishioners’ homes. 1852 20 x 60-ft. former cooper’s shop purchased for …
Kathy Riegel, Alter High School in Dayton, Leaders in Discipleship

by Rebekah Davidson Seeing students succeed in the classroom is “why it’s worth teaching,” according to Kathy Riegel — geometry teacher, head of the math department and yearbook advisor — at Archbishop Alter High School in Kettering. “It fills your heart with joy,” said Riegel, who has worked at Alter …
Seek the Lord for February 2024

In his homily for the opening of the 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The Church exists to evangelize. Faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ’s command, his disciples went out to the whole world to announce the Good News, spreading Christian communities everywhere” …
Lenten Devotions as a Lifestyle

When my husband and I started a family, I was hopeful we could live differently from the status quo, more reflective of love and peace. There will always be work, laundry, dinnertime and taking care of each other; but it’s easy to lose sight of the point in these routine …
Dave Campbell: Religion Teacher, Leaders in Discipleship

by John Stegeman Dave Campbell has taught religion at Cincinnati’s Archbishop Moeller High School for the past 13 years, and it’s fair to say he loves his job. “I really enjoy teaching religion,” he said. “I think so many kids have come up through the Catholic schools, and some of …
Lisa Fullenkamp: Adult Sacramental Prep, Leaders in Discipleship

by Matt Hess God works quietly in human hearts, drawing all people to Himself. This pull of Christ in everyday people’s lives is apparent to those working in evangelization throughout our archdiocese. Lisa Fullenkamp is one of those lucky enough to witness this. As the Coordinator of Adult Sacramental Preparation …
Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin!

Researching family history can be daunting, however, examining clues your ancestors left behind can be both challenging and exciting. Here’s your opportunity to become the family historian detective as you examine evidence found during your scavenger hunt. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR RESEARCH. To begin, print out several of the following …
Campus Ministers, Leader, Putting Faith into Practice, Leaders in Discipleship

by Lisa Fletcher Providing a strong foundation for students to know and love the Catholic faith is at the heart of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Simply having the knowledge, however, isn’t enough. Without meaningful ways to consistently practice the faith, students miss a crucial component in developing …
Walking Among the Flock

Can you remember moments in your life where others helped guide you in your faith? I was on a Confirmation retreat in eighth grade. We were staying at a church camp in Minden, Louisiana. It was hot, and there were just a handful of us there: one girls’ cabin and …