Posts Tagged
February 2023
Judy Gerwe, School President, Mount Notre Dame High School, Leaders in Discipleship

by Kary Ellen Barger “Never say never.” That phrase is true for Judy Back Gerwe, a Mount Notre Dame alumna and current president of the school. Gerwe always knew she wanted to be a teacher in a Catholic school, but leading one was not in her original plans as she …
Eucharistic Adoration

by Bonny Van Across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, guardians and adorers walk among us. These dedicated Catholics don’t stand out in a crowd. They are retirees, employees, community leaders, business owners, grandparents, parents, sons and daughters—and they have one thing in common: A commitment to spend at least one hour …
Eucharistic Lent Series

Area Catholics interested in developing a deeper understanding of the Eucharist will have a unique opportunity to do so this Lent, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati. A guest cleric will deliver a homily during a 7 p.m. vespers service every Friday of Lent …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for February 2023

1) Students Explore Ursuline History Saint Ursula Academy freshmen spent a class period in the Ursulines of Cincinnati Archives, where they learned about the women who were instrumental in founding the Academy and carrying on the legacy of academic excellence. 2) Mary Statue Restored at The Summit A wooden statue …
Original Shame Part I

As we have been exploring the nature and effects of original sin on humanity, it is now time to plunge into the reality of shame, with the help of Pope St. John Paul II. We could hope for no better guide. As a poet, pastor, philosopher and theologian, he reflected …
United to Heal the World

For many years the earth’s weather patterns have been shifting: stronger storms, prolonged droughts, intensifying heat waves, rising sea levels and more. Most of us in the Midwest are blessed to not be significantly affected, although we haven’t been immune—especially those involved in agriculture. Much of the world, however, has …
Did you Know St. Anthony Friary

1880 Joseph and Elizabeth Nurre bought a country estate at the top of Mt. Airy and donated it to the Franciscan friars. 1888 Cornerstone laid, building constructed, friars moved in. 1889 Archbishop Elder consecrated the chapel on Thanksgiving Day. The large Romanesque brick chapel (which fronts the attached friary and …
Does Jesus Really Satisfy?

Jesus has some powerful things to say about the Eucharist in the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel: “The bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh” (Jn. 6:51). “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life” (Jn. 6:54). “For my …
Faith’s Absolutes

There were many absolutes in the Catholic Church’s teachings, but now it seems like there is much more flexibility and even changes to things we believed. What happened? It is not unusual to hear, often through the media, that Church teachings have been altered. Such reports are usually overstated, though …
Carrying Christ to the Sick

by Kary Ellen Berger As one of the seven sacraments, the Eucharist is a holy encounter central to our spiritual lives. While most Catholics receive this sacrament during the Mass, earthly saints bring the Eucharist from Mass to those who otherwise would not receive it. Throughout our archdiocese, countless individuals …