Posts Tagged
February 2022
On Air: Anna Mitchell Sacred Heart Radio’s Morning Voice

Life-long resident of the Queen City Anna Mitchell, co-host and producer of Sacred Heart Radio’s Son Rise Morning Show, was always interested in the media. “I have a few ‘full circle’ moments, but the best one is that [growing up] we always watched Channel 9 [WCPO], and when I was …

El cambio de las interacciones presenciales a las virtuales, necesitado por la pandemia, en los negocios, la educación e incluso el entretenimineto nos hace recordar que la comunicación presencial es la mejor y más completa forma de comunicación. Por eso Dios se convirtió en uno de nosotros a través de …
Zeros, Ones, and the End of Man

Problems arising from technology and social media are more than could possibly be accounted for in one magazine. From the relatively mundane problem of work distraction, to more seriously annoying intrusions on privacy, to the tragedy of social-media-driven violence, stories about digital technology and social media fill headlines every day. …
Beacons of Light: Foundational Principles #1: Eucharist

This article is the first in a series covering each of the six foundational principles of Beacons of Light, the pastoral planning process of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The Eucharist makes the Church. This simple statement is at the heart of what it means to be a member of the …