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Fatima 100 years
a pilgrim reflects on Fatima

Our own Greg Hartman is on pilgrimage with Bishop Binzer and 134 people from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, stopping at Marian shrines with the ultimate destination of Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the end of the apparitions there. Here is his Oct. 4 report from Fatima: Today the pilgrims …
CORRECTION: New Site for Dayton Rosary Rally

Our print edition said that the new site for the annual Dayton rally is Immaculate Conception Chapel at the University of Dayton. The site is Immaculate Conception CHURCH in Dayton. We apologize for the error. On October 8, a ring of roses will circle a statue of the Virgin …
Fatima Pilgrimage: Arriving at Lourdes

Our own Greg Hartman is on pilgrimage with Bishop Binzer and 134 people from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, stopping at Marian shrines with the ultimate destination of Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the end of the apparitions there. His report from Lourdes: Upon arriving in this most holy …
Fatima Pilgrimage: Goodbye to Spain

The pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have finished their time in Spain and are on to Andorra — next stop, Lourdes, France. “The Catholic Telegraph’s” Greg Hartman reported that the second day of the Barcelona leg of the pilgrimage in Barcelona ended on Tibiabo Hill, at the Church of …