Posts Tagged
Father Robert Hater
The Great Mystery: Jesus comes to Us on Our Altars

When invited to write this Eucharistic Reflection for The Catholic Telegraph, I recalled my similar article for a 2021 Advent edition of Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly that was concerned for the many people who stopped going to Mass. I hope to motivate Church members to better appreciate the Eucharist. If …
Dealing Emotionally With Parish Changes

by Father Robert J Hater, PHD How do parishioners cope with major changes occurring in their parishes? This question is especially significant when a member of the faithful is involved in parish affairs or has a long history with the parish. We all experience life changes. Some are rewarding, like …
The Role of Family in God’s Designs From “House Churches” to the “Domestic Church”

by Father Robert J. Hater The old black rosary hangs on the headboard of the bedroom once occupied by my father and mother. More than 60 years ago my father brought it home, a gift from a Marianist brother who gave it to him for Christmas. It’s been there ever …
Remembering Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk: as Writer, Scholar

by Walt Schaefer There’s a knack to turning the complexities of academic thought and making the intricacies of Church teaching understandable to the population in the pews. Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk had it. His 15 books, his homilies, even his work post Vatican II translating the Latin Scriptures into English, …
Salesian Guild to honor Father Robert Hater
Press Release Father Robert Hater, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who for more than 50 years has spread Gospel values through his writing, teaching and lectures, will be honored as the Salesian Guild’s Distinguished Communicator of the Year at the group’s annual dinner meeting in Cincinnati on Saturday, …
Book Review: New catholic agenda detailed for parishes
As facilitator of my parish spiritual book club, I am always looking for books to discuss that promise to inform and inspire. Father Robert Hater’s latest book, The Parish Guide to the New Evangelization: An Action Plan for Sharing the Faith, does both.