Posts Tagged

Father Mike Schmitz

We’re beginning the second full week of Lent. We started new, a new adventure: even in the Archdiocese, the season of spring is changing our landscape. Yet, things can get bogged down, the hard work becomes task, and the excitement fades. In Today’s Video, Father Mike Schmitz looks at How …

Father Mike Schmitz: Lent is about transformation, but that transformation will be incomplete if we make it about ourselves. Instead of aiming for self-mastery alone this Lent, what is the key to living this Lent for others? Discipline is great, but there’s a step after that: being generous. Asking God …

In Today’s Video: Father Mike knows the tricks we can play on ourselves when it comes to picking something for Lent. So he gives a straightforward guideline: Don’t pick something that’s arbitrary. Pick something that is necessary.

Following up on his video about taking the Lord’s name in vain, Fr. Mike comments on whether swearing, as in using vulgar language, is a sin. He gives three times when using vulgar words can be sinful.

There’s a reason why “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain” is not only one of the ten commandments, but is second on the list. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is a big deal. Yet so many of us do it anyway all of the time. It has …

Father Mike Schmitz takes a look at Hope in the New Year. It’s hard to believe, yet we’re already in the 14th day of 2020.  With each new year come new hopes, new plans, and new opportunities. Father Mike points out that this optimism and this “spirit” of New Year’s is …

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a Advent or Christmas classic, but there’s a theme carried through the movie that is rarely discussed—the role of duty.

Virtue = Strength (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Growing up Fr. Mike thought prayer should be like soaking in a hot tub. He didn’t understand why it was so hard when he tried it. Check out the video below!

Fr. Mike comments on Kanye West’s conversion. He celebrates Kanye’s conversion, but hesitates to lift him up as a Christian leader. He recommends that we let Kanye’s roots in the faith grow without the responsibility of having people watch his every step to see if he will fall; because we …

God may want you to be spontaneous, but he also wants you to be disciplined. How does that work? Well, unless you just want to have no control over you impulses like a dog chasing a squirrel, discipline is a necessary prerequisite to being spontaneous. Check out Father Mike’s thoughts: