Posts Tagged
Father Mike Schmitz
Today’s Video: The Unpleasant Ancestors of Christmas

Tamar, Judah, Solomon, and company are not exactly the ideal ancestors of the King of Kings; but in this video, Father Mike Schmitz shows how God can write straight with crooked lines, even when the line happens to be Jesus’ bloodline.
Today’s Video: The Absolute Necessity of Saying “Thank You”

When was the last time you told God “thank you”? We live in an extremely hectic world, full of distractions, complaining, and longing for things we don’t have. And while it can be good to look at the things we do have and count up our blessings, how often do …
Today’s Video: Let Yourself Wrestle with God

Have you ever felt like God really wanted you to do something, but you just weren’t ready for it? Maybe it’s a big life change, a relationship, or a vocation, but there’s something holding you back from saying yes to God’s call.
Today’s Video: The Virtue That Takes Virtue to the Next Level

Father Mike introduces us to the virtue that makes other virtues excellent: magnanimity. If someone asked you what the most essential virtues are, you might say humility, faith, hope, or love. But have you ever heard of the virtue of magnanimity? What this virtue does is it magnifies—or makes greater—other …
Today’s Video: What’s a Sign from God (and What Isn’t)

Signs are often tricky and fuzzy. They’re not always such a good tool for helping you make a decision. Let’s be honest: we want shortcuts. We want God to do the hard work and make big decisions for us. Doing God’s will is the purpose of life, but that does …
Today’s Video: The Real Answer to Why God Allows Suffering

Playing a video game called Injustice helps Father Mike Schmitz explain the real answer to why God allows suffering.
Today’s Video: Afraid of the Coronavirus?

Wearing masks, not wearing masks, and all the mixed emotions that have come with the coronavirus reveal that—as a society—we lack freedom from the fear of death.
Today’s Video: Reconciling the Body of Christ (An Interview with Fr. Josh Johnson)

Fr. Mike Schmitz sits down with Fr. Josh Johnson to discuss racial division in the Church and how Catholics can strive to restore unity in the Body of Christ.
Today’s Video: 4 Essentials for Every Catholic

Father Mike Schmitz discusses there are four elements in the soil: 1. Teachings of the Apostles: Magisterial teaching of the Church, Sacred Scripture, and Tradition. 2. Communal Life (Fellowship): It’s not just me praying to Jesus. We need to share life somehow. 3. Breaking of the Bread: This refers to …
Today’s Video: Mastering the Basics of Faith

Father Mike makes the case that, before you claim a certain “style” in practicing the faith, you have to master the basics. He tells a story about when he was learning guitar. The teacher told his students to hold their guitar on an angle with their left knee higher than …