Posts Tagged
Father Martin Fox
Blessings in the AIr

On Oct. 19, 2024, Father Martin Fox, of the St. John Paul II (SJPII) Family of Parishes, took to the skies on a mission to bless people with holy water. Flying out of the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport (Miamisburg) in an R-44 helicopter, he soared 5,000 feet up in the air. …
Leading Together

by Lisa Fletcher It takes a village to raise a Family—of Parishes. The head of that village is the pastor, who, through the Beacons of Light transition, was given the responsibility of care and leadership of his parishes. As Father Martin Fox, pastor of St. John Paul II Family of …
Local Basketball Star, Now Religious Sister, Speaks in Russia

By Gail Finke An OSU basketball standout who is now a religious sister spoke to Russia, Ohio, students and their families Sunday afternoon – and shot some hoops with them in the Russia High School gym. The former Sarah Schulze, now Sister Mary Xavier (of the Sisters of St. Francis …