Posts Tagged
Father Joseph Robinson
Obituary: Reverend Joseph A. Robinson

Reverend Joseph A. Robinson passed away on Monday, July 17, 2023, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on October 14, 1937 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and baptized at St. William Church, Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the …
Latest News from the Priests Personnel Office

The Priests’ Personnel Office announces the following New Assignments: Effective October 24, 2019 Father John Madanu, Archdiocese of Hyderabad, Parochial Vicar, St. Brigid, Xenia, St. Augustine, Jamestown, and St. Paul, Yellow Springs. Effective January 1, 2020 Father Ignatius Schweitzer, O.P., Parochial Vicar, St. Gertrude, Cincinnati. Effective February 1, 2020 Father …
St. Boniface celebrates 150 years

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph When you’ve been a constant and comforting presence in a community for 150 years, a tall celebration is in order. That’s exactly what is happening at St. Boniface Parish in Northside.