Posts Tagged
Father Jon-Paul Bevak
Men for Christ: Annual Eucharistic Procession Through Downtown Cincinnati Unites Men in Public Prayer

by Bonny Van When more than 500 men – fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, religious and faithful – gather in downtown Cincinnati on Sat., Oct. 17, they will be walking with Jesus in the lead for the sixth annual Men’s Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession. The event, which began in 2015, …
Men’s Annual Downtown Eucharistic Procession

A Q&A with David Willig – Coordinator for the Downtown Procession To conduct a Eucharistic Procession, a consecrated host in a monstrance is lifted and carried by a priest, who leads the faithful in a public procession. It is a public witness of the Catholic faith that begins and ends …
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Bockfest Mass

Old St. Mary’s Church gives the neighborhood’s annual Bockfest some needed gravitas. An irreverent celebration of craft beer and German heritage, the festival gives more than a nod to the neighborhood’s past as a German Catholic enclave, as well as to the ongoing presence of Franciscan friars. But as the country’s only …
Fish Fry Report 3: Old St. Mary’s

Staffer Gail Finke headed to the Old St. Mary’s Bockfest fish fry — the historic parish’s only fish fry of the year — last Friday. Parishioners and Bockfest revelers packed the parking lot for almost two hours before the parade began, and until the fish ran out about an hour …
Exam week offers opportunities for prayer, community

Students fret as the end of a term means exam week. “I would never encourage a student don’t worry about studying and you’ll be fine. That’s kind of a ‘God will have mercy on you (attitude). But, use of the powers and gifts God has given you is important. I …
St. Philip Neri Oratory dedicates restored residence

The dedication of Pious House April 18 marked the end of a journey for the Oratory of Philip Neri Community in Formation here, according to Father Jon-Paul Bevak. “Finishing the house was the last expectation,“ he explained, placed on the community in formation by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. In addition …
Oratorians boost Catholic culture in Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph The Catholic culture in Over-the-Rhine will soon see a boost. The Cincinnati Oratory, a group of priests and brothers currently in formation, soon will begin renovation of the Pious House and 12th and Clay streets in Over-the-Rhine. Cincinnati Oratorians oversee nearby Old St. …