Posts Tagged
Father Jason Bedel
The New Evangelization at St. Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes.

There is a growing sense of excitement at the St. Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes, which includes six parishes in the northeastern part of the archdiocese: St. Augustine in Jamestown; St. Brigid in Xenia; St. Luke in Beavercreek; Mary, Help of Christians in Fairborn; St. Paul in Yellow Springs …
Ultrasound Initiative: Donations Bring State of the Art Equipment to Lebanon & Wapakoneta

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Shortly after an ultrasound machine was installed at Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s (ENLC) Women’s Center in Lebanon, the staff performed a scan on a young woman with no support who was fearful of going through her pregnancy alone. While receptive to the center’s services and discussion …
Photo Essay: Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Lords’ call louder than worlds’

You’ve probably heard some variation of the expression “He could sell ice to Alaskans.” As a young man, Father Jason Bedel sold ice so successfully that his corporate future look assured. He began work at Home City Ice Co. as a student at Xavier University. “I started as a delivery …