Posts Tagged
Father Earl Fernandes
Walking with Moms in Need

Ask most moms and they will tell you that any extra set of hands or help with their children is appreciated. For mothers who are doing everything on their own though, that extra help goes much further. That’s where the Walking with Moms in Need program can be a welcomed …
A Priest’s Perspective: Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Being a Synodal Church Synodality Walking with Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary Synodality in …
A Priests Perspective: The Church as the Family of God

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities Being a Synodal Church Synodality Walking with Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary Synodality in the …
A Priest’s Perspective: Sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Many today understand the sacrament of confirmation as a “rite of passage,”, but it is much more than that. In baptism, the Holy Spirit is poured into our hearts; in confirmation, we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. As young people and converts receive this sacrament, they …
Slavery: A Moral Virus

The following is a modified version of an article written by Father Earl Fernandes for The Catholic Telegraph in Feb. 2011. The U.S. has a rich history of freedom. Still, every nation’s history is filled with shadows and light; great evils have been tolerated and even perpetuated. This year marks …
Returning to the Eucharist with Joy

After five years away, I am happy to return to writing for The Catholic Telegraph; however, I am even happier that many people are returning to Mass after the lockdown precipitated by the pandemic. While observing safety precautions, people are returning gradually to the Eucharist, even if things don’t quite …
Obituary: Reverend John E. Wall

Reverend John E. Wall passed away on April 20, 2021, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on September 13, 1931 in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, Ohio. He was ordained on May …
Death and Dying with Dignity

Twenty years ago, during the AIDS crisis, many Africans said, “You’re either infected or affected.” In this time of pandemic, many could say the same. If we haven’t personally suffered the loss of a loved one, we know someone who has. Everyone has seen the death tolls of those who …
A Dad’s Parting Wisdom and Spiritual Fatherhood

In his Apostolic Letter Patris Corde, Pope Francis describes St. Joseph as a beloved father; a tender and loving father; an obedient and accepting father; a working father who was creatively courageous; and, finally, as the “shadow of the Father,” reflecting the Eternal Fatherhood of God. Priests are also called …
a Global Perspective: A Conversation With the Apostolic Nuncio, ARCHBISHOP CHRISTOPHE PIERRE

by Jessica Rinaudo It’s not every day that the apostolic nuncio, the Vatican’s ambassador to the U.S., visits Cincinnati. But in November, Father Earl Fernandes, his former assistant at the nunciature, invited him to make the trip to Southwestern Ohio from Washington, D.C. During his visit, Archbishop Christophe Pierre took …