Posts Tagged
Father Dennis Jaspers
St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Marks 50th Anniversary of Church Building

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Amid the traffic and hustle and bustle of the Kenwood shopping district, the spires of St. Vincent Ferrer Church are a beacon of faith and hope to passers-by. Members of the faith community celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the current church building during a special Mass …
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Celebrate Cincinnati’s Celtic Heritage

By Rebecca Sontag When the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Foundation decided to resurrect the on-again, off-again Cincinnati Celtic Festival, retired Army Colonel Dan Shea said to his fellow members, “There’s a couple things we have to do. We need to have a grand opening ceremony, and we have to …
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Celebrate Cincinnati’s Celtic Heritage

By Rebecca Sontag When the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Foundation decided to resurrect the on-again, off-again Cincinnati Celtic Festival, retired Army Colonel Dan Shea said to his fellow members, “There’s a couple things we have to do. We need to have a grand opening ceremony, and we have to …
Photo Essay: Celtic Mass 2019

In August, it was the Celtic Festival in Cincinnati. Check out the photos!