Posts Tagged
Father David Endres
A Question of Faith: What is dogma? It comes from authority

Q: In the case of a federal judicial appointee, adherence to Catholic dogma was criticized during the confirmation proceedings. What exactly is a dogma? Do other religions have them? A: A dogma is a belief handed down as true by an authority. We frequently think of dogmas in matters of …
A Question of Faith: What did Jesus mean when He called himself ‘Son of Man’?

In the Gospels, the term “Son of Man” is used numerous times. What does “Son of Man” mean? When Jesus spoke of himself and His mission, He often referred to himself as “Son of Man.” In the Gospels, He uses the term more than 80 times, especially as recorded in …
A question of faith: When was the birth of Christ? We cannot be sure

Q: Was Christ born on Dec. 25 in the year A.D. 1? A: We cannot be sure of the day and month, nor the year, of Jesus’ birth. Many scholars date the Nativity to several years before the traditional first year of the Lord (Anno Domini or A.D. 1) This …
Question of Faith for November: Pro-Life teachings abound in the Bible

Q: Is the foundational concept of respect for life, especially concern for the unborn, something that is in the Bible or is it rooted more in church traditions? A: The Catholic Church is noted for its respect for life: from the moment of conception to natural death. Like all church …
Event Alert: A unique series on History in the Archdiocese

St. Mary Hyde Park will host a 4-part series on Cincinnati’s Catholic History. Fr. David Endres, Dean of the Athenaeum and Professor of Church History and columnist for The Catholic Telegraph, will explore the history of our archdiocese as we approach the bicentennial. Fr. Endres’ multimedia presentations will explain how …
Father Endres for June: Does the Holy Spirit have a gender?

Q: A friend of mine refers to the Holy Spirit as “she.” I have heard the theory that the Holy Spirit is a feminine manifestation of the divine. Is this consistent with Catholic teaching? A: God transcends gender, which is to say that the divine is neither male nor …
Father Endres for May: Where is Purgatory in the Bible?

Q: I have read the Bible and can find nothing on purgatory. It seems to me that if we believe that Jesus is our savior and died for our sins, we have eternal life the minute we die. Can you explain the origin of the church’s belief in purgatory? A: …
Life at historic St. Clement Parish today

By Gail Finke (An earlier version of this story was previously posted in error.) A real estate venture by Catholics who both wanted to make their fortunes and establish a village far from the anti-Catholic sentiment of urban Cincinnati, rural St. Bernard was home to one of the country’s original …
In the Land of the Infidels: How the Franciscan parish was invented in Cincinnati

By Gail Finke (An older version of this story was posted in error.) Franciscans in Europe didn’t pastor churches. Even when sent on foreign missions, they established friaries, where they lived together in community and worked with the poor. But in America, things were different. Father David Endres, dean of …
Fr. Endres A Question of Faith: Asking for mercy at Mass

Q: At the beginning of Mass during the penitential act, the priest/deacon asks for God’s mercy on behalf of the people, but in doing so he never mentions the sins for which we need mercy. Is it allowable to mention specific sins at this time? The penitential act at the …