Posts Tagged

Father David Endres

Question of Faith: If saints are known to be in heaven, are there particular souls known to be in hell? The Church does not judge whether certain souls are in hell. Such judgment is for God alone. Even those individuals who appear to have lived contrary to Christ’s teachings may …

Does the Church believe homosexuality is a choice? Your question is a complex one, straddling science, moral theology and pastoral practice. In discussing the origins of homosexuality, it is important to understand the Church’s vision of the person and human sexuality. This is particularly crucial since the Church’s teaching regarding …

When I was young, we kept holy water in a small font at the entrance to our bedrooms. What is the origin of the practice? Can we still use holy water in our homes? When entering a church building, we reflexively sign ourselves with holy water. In doing so, we …

In 1851, a traveler to Cincinnati was stunned by the Catholic churches that dominated the fast-developing city. This wayfarer enthused, “I say freely: in no city have I observed such deep Catholicity.” Though there are few objective measures of how Catholic a place is, the deep faith found in our …

The following is an excerpt from A Bicentennial History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: The Catholic Church in Southwest Ohio, 1821-2021 by Fr. David J. Endres. A group of four German Catholic families arrived in Cincinnati in 1817 as part of a coordinated migration. Perhaps only by coincidence, by the …

Where is Archbishop Purcell buried? I have heard that he might not have been buried in the grave bearing his name. There is an old riddle: “Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?” The answer could be “no one” (since his body, strictly speaking, remains entombed above ground in a mausoleum). We …

When was the deacon’s role introduced in the Church, and how is it different from that of the priest? The deacon’s role (from the Greek word diakonia, meaning “service”) developed in the early Church. Deacons exercised a ministry of service and shared in Holy Orders, by which certain men are …

When did St. Joseph die, and were Mary and Jesus with him? Where is he buried? Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and the Virgin Mary’s husband, has an important role in salvation history. Though we know relatively little about his life, he remains a model of fatherhood and the …

What is the origin of beginning Lent with Ash Wednesday? When did the practice of using ashes start? Like other practices in the Church, being signed with ashes on the first day of Lent is an ancient custom that has undergone some development. From Biblical times through the Medieval Age, …

Stephen T. Badin High School (Courtesy Photo)
Lesson 14: Organization Consolidation Lesson 13: Archbishop Elder Lesson 12: Setting the stage, new waves of Catholic Immigrants Lesson 11: Chaplains New Lesson 10: The Church and the Civil War Lesson 9: Nativism prejudice against Catholics Lesson 8: The Old Neighborhoods Lesson 7: Cross Tipped Churches Lesson 6: Setting the …