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Father David Endres

During the Mass, the people say, “May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His holy Church.” What does this mean? Why wouldn’t God accept our sacrifice? The prayers of the Mass are …

What do we know about Judas? Was he forgiven for betraying Jesus? Do we know if he went to heaven or hell? Judas Iscariot is shown in the Scriptures as the betrayer of Jesus. Even though he walked with Jesus, listened to Him preach, and saw Him heal the sick, …

There were many absolutes in the Catholic Church’s teachings, but now it seems like there is much more flexibility and even changes to things we believed. What happened? It is not unusual to hear, often through the media, that Church teachings have been altered. Such reports are usually overstated, though …

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr during the Solemn Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains. " And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.." LK 22:20 (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
I have heard that sacrifice is required for worship. Consequently, the Mass is worship, while other forms of prayer are not. Is this correct? The word “sacrifice” is derived from the Latin for “making sacred.” According to the Church’s understanding, acts of worship have a sacrificial component, though the form …

Our children received the sacraments and attended Catholic schools, but they no longer attend Mass and do not appear to be practicing the faith. Where did we go wrong as parents? It is natural to be concerned for others’ spiritual well-being, especially our loved ones. We desire for them to …

The Scriptures speak about the “baptism of John,” which seems different from Christian baptism. After baptizing Jesus, did John the Baptist continue to baptize, and if so, did he begin to baptize in Jesus’s name? The Acts of the Apostles speak several times about John baptizing people: the “baptism of …

Kevin Schmiesing’s new book, A Catholic Pilgrimage Through American History, demonstrates that you cannot go far along the highways and byways of the U.S. without stumbling upon a site important to both the Catholic faith and our nation’s history. Dr. Schmiesing, who hails from Sidney, OH, explores the Catholic dimension …

Does the Church believe in the possibility of coming back to life after a so-called near-death experience? Can these reported experiences be considered a glimpse of the afterlife? The Church does not have an official teaching on near-death experiences. The phenomena and their cause are in the realm of speculation; …

QUESTION OF FAITH Literal or Symbolic? How do we know which parts of the Bible are to be taken literally and which symbolically? A difficult aspect of interpreting the Bible is whether certain verses should be taken literally or figuratively. For instance, the first two chapters of Genesis each contain …

We believe that Mary was assumed into heaven body and soul, but was that before or after her death? The belief in the Assumption of Mary is not based on eyewitness accounts, nor is it recorded directly in Scripture. This means that the exact details are unknown, which leaves several …