Posts Tagged
Father Daniel Schmitmeyer
Ember Day: A Time for Discernment

BY KARY ELLEN BERGER Do you know what God has in store for you? Are we doing enough? Are we doing what He has called us to do? Young adults both ponder these questions for themselves and are often asked them by others. For young men discerning whether priesthood is …
Application and Evaluation Precedes Seminary Acceptance

By John Stegeman Becoming a diocesan priest is a calling that must be discerned by both the individual and a diocese If a student is accepted into seminary, he will have five to nine years of formation before priestly ordination. Even before that, however, an intensive process takes place designed …
Andrew Dinners launched in archdiocese
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 SIDNEY DEANERY — There was plenty of food and fellowship at a dinner April 22, but the conversation was about the priesthood. More than 30 young men from the northern part of the archdiocese attended an Andrew Dinner at Holy Angels Parish in Sidney, the first …