Posts Tagged
Father Casey Cole OFM
Today’s Video: Why Doesn’t God Answer Our Prayers?

Jesus tells us that if we knock, the door will be opened to us, that all who come to him in prayer will get what they want. But this isn’t always the case, is it? Sometimes, our prayers are not answered. What does this say about God, and how do …
Today’s Video: Be not Afraid

Father Casey Cole OFM looks at the strange circumstances this year, we are probably experiencing more fear this Easter than ever before. Jesus tells us: do not be afraid. He is Risen, Alleluia!
Today’s Video: Let Go!

Many of us worry about a lot. We live in fear and so hide from danger. Jesus tells us that we must let go of our worries and follow him. Check out Today’s Video from Father Casey Cole:
Today’s Video: Lenten study, Let Go….of yourself

Father Casey Cole OFM looks at Letting Go in this Lenten Study. If you want to follow Jesus, the first thing that you are going to need to let go of is yourself. Leave behind your delusions of grandeur, denial of your own goodness, and false selves, and be the …
Today’s Video: Let GO this Lent

Jesus told the young rich man in the Gospel to sell all that he had and follow after him. He was unwilling to do so, and missed out on being a disciple. Check out Father Casey’s Let GO reflection.
Today’s Video: Father Casey looks at good news and bad news.

In Today’s Video, Father Casey Cole talks about his unique situation as a new priest: which brings good news and bad news and what we are facing in vocations in the 21st century. Father Casey’s Good News: Father Casey’s Bad News: In times like these we do need to pray …
Today’s Video: 50 Reasons I Love Being Catholic

In Today’s Video, Father Casey looks at his favorite 50 things about being Catholic. Check it out!!
Today’s Video: What the World Gets Wrong About “Christmas Spirit”

There is definitely a spirit to Christmas. Based on Hollywood movies, you might think that this spirit is of giving, of peace on earth, or even of family. For Christians, this is a major oversimplification, and misses a bit part of what Christmas is about. Father Casey talks about not …
Today’s Video: When a Funeral Mass doesn’t quite go as planned.

Sometimes, things go horribly wrong at church. Father Casey tells of his worst experience celebrating a funeral mass and what he learned from it.
Today’s Video: Remembering the Greatest Saint

Father Casey in his video series breaking the habit looks at the life of Saint Francis. St. Francis is the greatest saint in the history of the Church. At least, he is for Father Casey. The Prayer of Saint Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there …