Posts Tagged
Father Casey Cole OFM
Today’s Video: Did Catholics Make Up Purgatory?

What happens after we die? For Catholics, we believe that we will be judged and placed in either heaven or hell, but that those welcomed to heaven might have to take a stop along the way in purgatory. What do we know about this place, and did this doctrine come …
Today’s Video: STOP Saying these 5 Christian Cliches!

Cliches are more than a strain to the ear: they can actually perpetuate really bad theology. Here are five cliches that Christians say all of the time that need to die a fiery death.
Today’s Video: The not-so-Golden Rule

We’re always taught to treat others the way we want to be treated. But is that the best philosophy of life? Sometimes, believe it or not, the Golden Rule shows some major flaws.
Today’s Video: Father Casey Cole looks back at his first year as priest

On June 22, 2019, Father Casey was ordained a priest in the Catholic Church. Now, one year later, he answers your questions about his experience.
Today’s Video: Don’t get used to this!

Father Case looks at the pandemic has forced us to adjust the way we worship together, resorting to online masses and highly sterilized, private worship experiences. It’s great that have these things at all, but they are not a replacement for the real thing.
Today’s Video: 10 Hilarious Catholic Jokes

Need a laugh? Comfortable laughing at yourself and not taking life too seriously? Here are ten Catholic Jokes that are sure to give you a chuckle!
Today’s Video: I’m a bit racist. And so are you.

We all know that racism is a sin. It spreads hate and divides the human family. What we don’t always realize is that we are all a part of the problem. Racism isn’t a binary condition in which you either “are” or “are not” racist. We all have biases and …
Today’s Video: The Best Christian Band (that isn’t even Christian!)

Father Casey wants to tell you about the greatest band in the world that plays Christian music… even though the band itself isn’t Christian.
Today’s Video: Don’t Follow Your Passion (A Graduation Speech)

Many will tell graduates to “follow your passion” and live your life. I think that this is nonsense. Check out Father Casey’s Graduation speech that is sure to inspire our 2020 Graduates:
Today’s Video: Jesus is with you!

This is a homily for the 3rd week of Easter. Jesus appears to the disciples on the way to Emmaus, but it is only in the breaking of the bread that they truly see him. Meals are a means of encountering one another, and so I exhort you this week …