Posts Tagged
Father Casey Cole OFM
Catholic Priest: Can Science be Trusted?

Father Casey looks how Science allows us the ability to study and understand the world around us, providing incredible advances that improve human life. But it’s not the only–or even best–way to truth.
Everything you need to know about confession

Confession is by its very nature a secret rite. Sometimes, this leads to many misunderstandings and questions. Fr. Casey is here to clear up any questions you have.
Is this the end of the Church?

In Today’s Video: Many people believe that we are entering extremely dark times.
Don’t Give Up Anything For Lent! (And what I’m giving up)

Lent is one of the most important times of year for Christians, when we take our faith seriously and work on converting our hearts. Many people focus on giving up pleasures, but I say don’t waste your time.
Today’s Video: Priest: Have I Thrown My Life Away?

As a friar and priest, I took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, meaning that there is a lot of things I can’t do in this world. Many would see this as throwing my life away, but I can’t help but see the opposite.
Today’s Video: Can Church Doctrine Ever Change?

In a world that changes constantly, people wonder if the Church can change its doctrine.
Today’s Video: Real Friar Answers Questions about the Vows

Ever wondered about the vows religious take?
Today’s Video: The Christmas Geese (A Children’s Story about Jesus)

How do you talk to kids about the Incarnation? How do you talk to adults for that matter? Fr. Patrick shares his favorite story of Christmas that does both.
Today’s Video: Catholic Church: Sell Everything and Give to the Poor?

The Catholic Church has a lot of money and real estate. Why doesn’t it sell it all and give to the poor? Check out Father Casey’s thoughts!
Today’s Video: What is God?

Father Casey: There are many people in the world that believe in “God.” And yet, there are more than a few definitions. As Christians, what do we mean when we say this?