Posts Tagged
Father Andrew Cordonnier
AOC joins Giving Tuesday, #iGiveCatholic campaign

One hundred ministries, schools and parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will join the iGiveCatholic online fundraising campaign on Nov. 27. The day of digital giving is designed to involve thousands of individuals of all ages whose donations will help fund worthwhile projects and programs. It is the first time …
Cordonnier ordained a priest in Russia (Updated with photos)

Staff Report Photo Gallery added Dec. 29. See Below. A native son of the parish laid prostrate before the St. Remy altar Dec. 27. Before the same altar where he received his First Holy Communion and was later confirmed, Andrew Cordonnier was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati …
Cordonnier to be ordained a priest Dec. 27

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Deacon Andrew Cordonnier was surprised to feel God calling him to the priesthood — but he was the only one. The 28-year-old native of Russia, Ohio will be ordained to the priesthood at 11 a.m. Dec. 27 at St. Remy Church in Russia, Ohio, …