Posts Tagged
Family Life
As marriage rates continue to plunge, how can the Church get more people to the altar?

By Daniel Payne CNA Staff, Jul 11, 2024 / 06:00 am The Catholic Church needs to be focused at the parish level to drive up plunging marriage rates among the faithful, experts say, as low marriage rates in the Church mirror the collapse of matrimony in wider society. Catholic marriage rates …
Vatican preparing text for divorced and remarried couples, Cardinal Farrell says

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Apr 25, 2023 / 15:50 pm The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life is preparing a document that will address divorced and remarried couples at the request of Pope Francis, according to the dicastery’s prefect, Cardinal Kevin Farrell. Farrell mentioned the in-progress document …
What to do about Halloween? Catholic moms – and an exorcist – weigh in

by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Oct 31, 2020 / 04:08 am MT (CNA).- For years, Cecilia Cunningham and her husband took their children trick-or-treating in their then-suburban Philadelphia neighborhood. “It was the kind of neighborhood outside of Philadelphia where everybody knew each other, and it was a really fun neighborhood …
Statement from Archbishop Dennis Schnurr on the dignity of the Human Family

Dear Friends in Christ, At times throughout our nation’s history, certain events take place that animate the public and force us to ask who we are as an American people. As a community of believers in Christ Jesus, who commanded us to build His Kingdom of love on Earth as …
Together in Christ Groups begin planning ways to approach others with ‘missionary zeal’

A gathering focused on the spirit of encounter and dialogue took place Sept. 9 (the feasts of St. Peter Claver and Blessed Frederic Ozanam) at the Athenaeum of Ohio. “Together in Christ: Saying ‘Yes’ to Missionary Discipleship” brought together immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, women who have faced crisis pregnancies, victims …
Family Life: Offer thanks, honor saints & prepare for end of the year
This image originally appeared in the November 2014 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph.
Vatican announces commission to streamline marriage process

CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis will establish a commission to review the matrimonial process in canon law with the goal of simplifying the procedure while maintaining the indissolubility of marriage, the Holy See Press Office announced Saturday. According to Vatican Radio, the decision was made on Aug. 2 of this year …
Bring Jesus Along with September Family Activities
September 2013 Staff Report The kids are back in school, the summer is in the rear-view mirror and football season is on the horizon. September has a slew of opportunities for social engagement with your family. Take some time this month to make sure those engagements are centered on Christ. Tailgating …
Family Activities for July 2013

Staff Report By the time July arrives, school is a distant memory for children and vacation season is in full swing. While grill outs and fireworks are great ways to spend quality time with the family, here are some suggestions for a more spiritually fulfilling July.