Posts Tagged
Families of Parishes
Synodality: Walking with Christ. The Holy Spirit and The Virgin Mary

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities Being a Synodal Church Synodality in the Church of the Church …
Beacons of Light: FAMILIES OF PARISHES: GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK! Deadline October 20

As the pastoral planning initiative Beacons of Light moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information on what is happening, describe how decisions will be made and providing clear descriptions of what to expect. This article series on Beacons …
Vital & Vibrant

As the Beacons of Light process ramps up and parishes take a look at who is part of their new Family of Parishes, the faithful may wonder how it will work and what the end result will look like. But members of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati already have one beacon …
There is nothing like Family

As the pastoral planning initiative, Beacons of Light, moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders, including Father Jan Schmidt, to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information and communication on what is happening, how decisions will be made and to provide clear descriptions of what to …