Posts Tagged
faith formation
Baltimore Archdiocese lowers confirmation age ‘to deepen formation, reduce disaffiliation’

By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Mar 5, 2025 / 14:40 pm Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore has decided to lower the age of confirmation to 9 in a move designed to increase family involvement in the formation of youth. Amid growing disaffiliation from the Church, Catholic leaders across the country …
The Legionaries of Christ

The Legionaries of Christ are more than a community of priests—they are a living testimony to God’s love at work in the world. Guided by His call, they dedicate their lives to service, following Christ in obedience, chastity and poverty. There are seven Legionaries in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, including …
Back to Seminary with the New Program for Priestly Formation

Catholic diocesan seminarians head back to campuses and classrooms in August. In some ways, they will have experiences similar to most—days busy with reading texts, attending lectures, writing papers and enjoying extracurricular activities. Additionally, Catholic seminarians are in the process of formation, as men who will serve God by serving …
A Holistic Approach to Stewardship

Every parish in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has stalwart supporters who are always willing to write a check to keep the lights on, but more and more parishes find themselves relying on the same faithful few. St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Liberty Township isn’t immune to this, but through the …
The School of Faith

The Holy Family School of Faith was created a bit by accident and a lot by Providence. It came about after founders Dr. Mike Scherschligt and Troy Hinkel taught classes about Catholicism at Kansas University. “The classes were wildly popular, so popular in fact that parents of students were driving …
Home: A Place of Connection & Faith

August’s arrival means summer is wrapping up. Vacations are over and we’re headed back to routine, with a little more structure than a month ago. Our noses are back at the grindstone for work, school and practices—and that means busyness. Days fly between August and May, with us dashing between …
Everyday Evangelist: Dr. Bob Burger
A strong Catholic faith finds its roots in one of two places — consistent faith formation, or a powerful conversion experience. For Dr. Bob Burger, his faith stems from the former. A “Cradle Catholic,” Burger’s life has seen success at every stage, but along with that success he has …