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by CNA Staff Irondale, Ala., Dec 12, 2022 / 18:00 pm EWTN Global Catholic Network has presented the 2022 Mother Angelica Award to former NFL star and coach Danny Abramowicz in honor of his lifetime of service to the new evangelization. The award was presented to Abramowicz by EWTN Chairman and …

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Dec 11, 2022 / 06:30 am Holiday shoppers and other passersby in downtown Boston were pleasantly surprised Thursday to come upon a group of religious sisters singing Christmas carols in front of the Macy’s department store. “It was warm everywhere else except where we were …

by CNA Staff Baltimore, Md., Nov 16, 2022 / 12:45 pm Editor’s note: Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, the outgoing president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, addressed his fellow U.S. bishops on Nov. 15 at their annual fall assembly in Baltimore. He used the occasion …

The Good Samaritan Home in Haiti houses people who are elderly or have disabilities, and it recently welcomed Darcy. He struggles with mental health challenges, but came to the home because a car ran over his legs, breaking both severely. Thankfully, after several infections and a few operations, Darcy is …

The Corpus Christi procession concluded with Benediction at the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Catholics and non-Catholics alike struggle to comprehend the reality of Jesus in the Eucharist, but the Eucharist is not meant to be comprehended. As the undisputed Highest form of God’s Love in the Church, we cannot begin to comprehend it. If we try to understand it, we will always be …

by Mary Kroner / Southern Nebraska Register Lincoln, Neb., Oct 8, 2022 / 06:00 am St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Spiritual joy arises from purity of the heart and perseverance in prayer.” A priest of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, hopes to offer spiritual joy through his blog “Devotions …

Is your parish running like a little league team or a major league team? You might not think winning matters much when it comes to your Catholic parish, but winning a baseball game is far less important than winning a soul for Christ. Let’s take a look at four differences …

by Francesca Pollio Fenton Denver Newsroom, Apr 28, 2022 / 14:51 pm Sudan and South Sudan are countries currently facing several hardships. After the military staged a coup in Sudan six months ago, the country remains in political and economic turmoil. Its neighbor, South Sudan, faces severe food shortages and …

by Joe Bukuras, Shannon Mullen Cambridge, Massachusetts, Apr 16, 2022 / 09:03 am One convert’s journey to Catholicism began with an invitation to an ice-cream social. Another says he instantly believed in the Real Presence the moment someone explained what the round object was that everyone was staring at during eucharistic …

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 19, 2022 / 12:15 pm Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has encouraged people not to be intimidated by the concept of “evangelization,” but to remember that it can be a simple human interaction or conversation among friends, family, coworkers, or social media followers. “Sometimes we …