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Seize the Moment: Evangelization is Better Together
A few weeks ago I did something I’ve never done before: I worked on a food truck. A friend of mine owns one that specializes in gourmet hotdogs. I happened to be on vacation on a day when he needed extra help, so I jumped in and got to work. …
Abide: Forming Young Disciples in Christ College Students “Pay It Forward” by Volunteering at Catholic Youth Event
By Rebecca Sontag Abide, a five-day conference for archdiocesan teens, is no typical retreat. Abide is immersive and intense. It is a “going deeper” experience seeking to form teens into missionary disciples whose whole lives are solidly rooted in Christ. It cultivates authentic Christian community and fellowship, docility to the …
Today’s Video: What is a PRIEST doing at VidCon??
In Today’s Video, many times, people have a very narrow understanding of what the priesthood entails, thinking of nothing more than the sacraments. But “priestly” life includes much more than this, and for Fr. Casey Cole, OFM, that means attending VidCon, a major media conference. At the conference people come …
Embracing an Expectant Catholicism
Wow, what an adventure. I just got back from Michigan, where I spent a week with an apostolate called St. Paul Street Evangelization (“SPSE”), bringing the Gospel to absolute strangers. Me. I did that. Nicholas Hardesty, the most introverted guy you will ever meet, walked up to random people in …
Totus Tuus Schedule for 2019
![It was the boys turn to sing! (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)](
TOTUS TUUS (Latin for Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic parish based summer catechetical program for both grade school age children and middle and high school youth. TOTUS TUUS gathers together college students and seminarians from across the United States onto teaching teams of four in order to train …
Contagiously Catholic: Lessons in Parish Leadership from the Cincinnati Reds
By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish. We love the analogy so much that we built our evangelization process around the analogy. One analogy that we can make between baseball and an evangelizing parish has to do with the critical role …
Today’s Video: Jesus wants you!
Our Church has always been blessed with amazing evangelists spreading the Gospel. But that doesn’t get us off the hook. Each and every one of us is called to give witness to the Good News! Check out today’s video: Jesus wants you!
Greater Cincinnati Women’s Conference: March 9, 2019
The Greater Cincinnati Women’s Conference will be held Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the Sharonville Convention Center. This years’s speakers are Fr. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh Katherine Meeks Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle Sister M. Bernadette Morse, FSGM Gayle Bischel Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr -celebrant When: Saturday, March 9, 2019 Where: Sharonville Convention Center, …
Throwback Thursday: First catechists graduate from Camina Con Cristo
The graduation of the first generation of Hispanic catechists from the archdiocese’s Latino catechetical certification program was celebrated Nov. 3 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided at the liturgy, which marked the completion of a two-and-half-year course of online study for the 16 …
The Catholic Shop celebrates 20 years of evangelization
![The Catholic Shop has been a part of downtown Madeira for 20 years. The store, which is owned and operated by Dan and Jenn Giroux(cq) offers a wide variety of religious articles, including books, music and gifts to the Catholic community. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)](
Most visitors to The Catholic Shop in Madeira come with a defined purpose. There are the fallen away Catholics who want to explore how to return to the Church; the non-Catholics searching for something more in their lives and looking to learn about Catholicism; and those with a serious illness …