Posts Tagged
eucharistic procession
Men for Christ: Annual Eucharistic Procession Through Downtown Cincinnati Unites Men in Public Prayer

by Bonny Van When more than 500 men – fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, religious and faithful – gather in downtown Cincinnati on Sat., Oct. 17, they will be walking with Jesus in the lead for the sixth annual Men’s Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession. The event, which began in 2015, …
Catholics aim for national unity with Eucharistic and rosary processions

CNA Staff, Oct 6, 2020 / 08:00 pm MT (CNA).- After riots and protests came to Kenosha, Wisconsin this summer, Archbishop Jerome Listecki led a Eucharistic procession and rosary in the city on Sunday, hoping to bring peace and healing to a fractured city, through the witness of Jesus Christ. …
San Francisco Catholics plan Eucharistic processions to ‘Free the Mass’

CNA Staff, Sep 14, 2020 / 04:03 pm MT (CNA).- The Archbishop of San Francisco has called Catholics to participate in Eucharistic processions across the city Sept. 20, which will join together and walk past city hall before public Masses are said outside the city’s cathedral – in part to …
Eucharist processed through torn-up downtown of Wisconsin’s capital

by Mary Farrow CNA Staff, Aug 18, 2020 / 03:29 am MT (CNA).- Two-and-a-half months after violent rioters wreaked havoc on State Street in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, smashing in windows and looting 75 stores, a different kind of gathering took place. This time, roughly 2,000 people from throughout the state …
A look back at the 5th Annual Eucharistic Procession

Now is the time to call all Catholic men to be involved in the New Evangelization by being public witnesses to our Catholic faith. On cool, clear October Saturday morning, hundreds of Men and Seminarians began their weekend at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains for Mass at 8:00 …
Men’s Annual Downtown Eucharistic Procession

A Q&A with David Willig – Coordinator for the Downtown Procession To conduct a Eucharistic Procession, a consecrated host in a monstrance is lifted and carried by a priest, who leads the faithful in a public procession. It is a public witness of the Catholic faith that begins and ends …
St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15

St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15. The parish processed to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on the shore of Indian Lake, where parishioners enjoyed a picnic and family activiites. The Eucharistic canopy, purchased in Italy, is a …
Modern-day Calvary: Eucharistic procession at 40 Days for Life Dayton

By Gail Finke On a chilly morning in November, more than 100 people assembled for a Eucharistic procession with Father Stephen Imbarrato, the first ever held at a 40 Days for Life Dayton prayer vigil. Most attendees were Catholic, but several of Dayton’s famously interfaith pro-life leaders came in solidarity. …