Posts Tagged
eucharist revival
Christmas video by Lansing Diocese highlights Eucharistic adoration, story of ‘Silent Night’

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Dec 24, 2023 / 08:00 am The Diocese of Lansing in Michigan has released a Christmas video featuring the story of a beloved Christmas carol, a high school student choir, and the beauty of Eucharistic adoration. Created and produced by Matt Riedl, multimedia journalist for …
Bringing Teens Face to Face with Jesus

The archdiocese plans to bring our next generation face- to-face with Jesus Christ: the new Live Vertical program will guide teens to Christ, working with campus ministers and Catholic high school staff to build a structure for transformative and long-term evangelization. “I believe that our students need to personally know …
A Song of Love for God

This was a wonderful, albeit busy, summer for the U.S. Catholic Church. The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s Seton route processed through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati during July 1-8, followed by the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) in Indianapolis shortly thereafter. Across the country, NEC and its pilgrimage revitalized and evangelized faith in …
Leading Together

by Lisa Fletcher It takes a village to raise a Family—of Parishes. The head of that village is the pastor, who, through the Beacons of Light transition, was given the responsibility of care and leadership of his parishes. As Father Martin Fox, pastor of St. John Paul II Family of …
Communion and Intercommunion

Why can’t non-Catholics receive Holy Communion in Catholic churches? The Catholic Church ordinarily does not admit non-Catholics to Holy Communion. This practice can be especially difficult for those with close family members who are non-Catholic, especially spouses, children or siblings. This limitation on who is invited to receive Communion does …
What the Eucharist Teaches us About the Moral Life

Every rite, ritual, discipline and devotion of the Catholic Church is ordered by and around the Eucharist, which the Second Vatican Council calls the “source and summit of the whole Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11). The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) further underscores that “the moral life finds its …
Catholics who participate in Eucharistic Pilgrimage, Congress can receive plenary indulgences

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Apr 10, 2024 / 18:00 pm Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), announced April 9 the opportunity for Catholics who participate in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and the National Eucharistic Congress to receive plenary indulgences. Broglio requested that the …