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What happened to the Minor Orders?

Q: In the last 50 years, various orders in the church, including porter, exorcist, and subdeacon, have disappeared. What is the theology behind these orders and why were they discontinued? A: As early as the third century, certain roles of service, including deacon, subdeacon, lector, and acolyte, were present in …
Can Non-Christians be Saved?

Q: Is there any hope of salvation for those who are not Catholic or Christian? What is to become of those who do not accept Jesus as their savior (such as those who follow the Jewish or Muslim faiths)? A; Each year on Good Friday, Catholics pray an extended set …
Is the Eucharist the “Real Presence”?

This column first appeared in our July, 2018 print issue Q: What does the church teach concerning transubstantiation? Is the current teaching of the Catholic Church that through the consecration of the Eucharist we receive the real presence of Christ, or a symbolic presence? A: Very frequently it is thought …
Father Endres for June: Does the Holy Spirit have a gender?

Q: A friend of mine refers to the Holy Spirit as “she.” I have heard the theory that the Holy Spirit is a feminine manifestation of the divine. Is this consistent with Catholic teaching? A: God transcends gender, which is to say that the divine is neither male nor …
Father Endres for March: What happened to penance on Fridays?

Q: My understanding is that Catholics are to observe some form of penance every Friday during the year, even during Ordinary Time. So even though we’re allowed to eat meat on Fridays outside of Lent, there is an obligation for Catholics to do (or not do) something on these Fridays. …
Father Endres Column for February: God makes it easy to return to the Church

Q: My husband has not practiced the Catholic faith for 30 years. What does he need to do to return to the sacraments? A: Once baptized, a person is always a Christian. But as you note, it is possible to leave the practice of the faith for a time (or …
Created at human birth or has Jesus always existed?

By Father David Endres Q: Has Jesus always existed or was He created at His human birth? If He always existed, is there any mention of Him in the Old Testament? Mention of His birth is clear in the Scriptures, but what about prior to His birth? A: This question …