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Emma Cassani

In a visually saturated world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and become desensitized to beauty. Visio Divina, Latin for “divine seeing,” encourages us to slow down and engage in visual contemplation, using art as a profound tool for connecting with the Divine. A GUIDE TO VISIO DIVINA Begin by making …

1850 The first settlers arrive in what became the Village, now City, of Wyoming (named in 1861 for a county in Pennsylvania). 1887 Original church built at Crescent and Cooper Avenues on and purchased from a local businessman. 1892 Church lengthened to accommodate a growing parish. First St. James School …

In a visually saturated world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and become desensitized to beauty. Visio Divina, Latin for “divine seeing,” encourages us to slow down and engage in visual contemplation, using art as a profound tool for connecting with the Divine. A Guide to Visio Divina Begin by making …

In a visually saturated world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and become desensitized to beauty. Visio Divina, Latin for “divine seeing,” encourages us to slow down and engage in visual contemplation, using art as a profound tool for connecting with the Divine. A Guide to Visio Divina Begin by making …

St. Mary Parish in Hyde Park, now known for its English Gothic building with stained glass and woodwork from the country’s finest studios, held its first Masses in a former feed store. May 29, 1898 First Mass held for the new parish created by Archbishop Elder for parishioners then attending …

A rose garden at “Little Flower Church” in Mt. Airy was once famous around the country as “The Shrine of the Little Flower.” The garden at the northwest side of the old church is still dedicated to the Little Flower Rose Garden Society. 1926 Chapel established at corner of North …

In a visually saturated world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and become desensitized to beauty. Visio Divina, Latin for “divine seeing,” encourages us to slow down and engage in visual contemplation, using art as a profound tool for connecting with the Divine. A Guide to Visio Divina Begin by making …

1890 St. Gregory Seminary established in Mt. Washington for high school and college men, opening in 1891. It moved to downtown Cincinnati in 1904, when Mount St. Mary’s Seminary moved from Price Hill into the building. 1892 Guardian Angels Parish organized at the seminary with 45 families, and a small …