Posts Tagged
Ember Days
Ember Day: A Time for Discernment

BY KARY ELLEN BERGER Do you know what God has in store for you? Are we doing enough? Are we doing what He has called us to do? Young adults both ponder these questions for themselves and are often asked them by others. For young men discerning whether priesthood is …
Today is an ember day. What’s that?

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Dec 17, 2022 / 09:00 am This Saturday, Dec. 17, is a special day in the Catholic Church, though relatively few Catholics probably realize it. Saturday is an ember day, a day traditionally set aside for fasting and abstinence from meat. And in fact, it’s …
Syracuse bishop revives Ember Days, calls for prayer and fasting for vocations

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Dec 18, 2020 / 12:01 pm MT (CNA).- In a revival of an historic custom of the Church, Bishop Douglas Lucia of Syracuse has invited Catholics of his diocese to participate in the Ember Days, traditional days of fasting and prayer, for the intention of …