Posts Tagged
Elizabeth’s New Life Center
Life is a Gift

Every life is a gift, a reflection of God’s love, and deserves to be cherished and nurtured. This belief reminds us that every child is worthy and blessed regardless of his or her circumstances. Mary Virginia Merrick embodied this truth in the Christ Child Society she founded. Despite her own …
Legion for Life

It started with a trip to Kettering for prayer. Legion of Mary ladies from Holy Rosary Church in St. Marys, OH, traveled with a group to pray at an abortion clinic in the spring of 2018. Teresa Vint, a Legion member, recalls that fateful April day when the Elizabeth New …
Faith For Life

Why do you support Church teaching on life issues? Perhaps becoming a parent opened your eyes to the reality of life in the womb. Maybe a loved one’s end-of-life struggle showed you the dignity of life at all stages. There are many good reasons to choose. For Vivian Koob, founder …
Help with unexpected pregnancies: Elizabeth’s New Life Center Opens in Dayton

by Sister Eileen Connelly, OSU A 14-year-old girl in distress recently visited Elizabeth’s New Life Center (ENLC) with her aunt and boyfriend. Olivia was visibly upset as she shared that her family was forcing her to consider an abortion and threatening to kick her out of the house if she …
High Schools Giving Back: Badin and Carroll High Schools

Badin High School Badin High School’s annual “Summer in Solidarity” Christian Service outreach program in 2018 took 12 students to Solsberry Hill outside Bloomington, Ind.; six students to Nazareth Farm in Salem, W.Va.; and 13 students to the Dominican Republic. “Our Summer in Solidarity service program offers students the opportunity …
Passionately pro-life: This year’s Respect Life honoree Rosie Prier plays a vital role behind the scenes

By Walt Schaefer “I will never forget that day,” said Rosie Prier: Dec. 14, 1996. “I was the only person available to initially counsel a woman who came to our women’s center thinking we were the abortion clinic. After talking with me, then having an ultrasound, she left deciding to …
Crisis pregnancy care returns to Forest Park

ENLC, Healthy Beginnings team up in area at high risk for abortions By Gail Finke A new partnership between two area pro-life powerhouses will bring affordable medical care to pregnant women in one of Greater Cincinnati’s neighborhoods where abortions are most common. Beginning this month, Dayton-based crisis pregnancy center group …
Elizabeth’s New Life Center announces a banquet with Senator Rick Santorum

Dayton, OH- Elizabeth’s New Life Center announces a fund raising banquet with Senator Rick Santorum on Thursday, October 19th. Lunch is at 11:30 a.m., and dinner at 6:15 p.m. Registration is at 11:00 a.m., and 5:30 p.m.. The banquet will be hosted at A Learning Place in Piqua, OH. Prior …
Father Pavone to speak at Elizabeth’s New Life Center banquet

Elizabeth’s New Life Center is holding the annual Spring Partnership Banquet featuring speaker Father Frank Pavone, president of Priests for Life. Father Pavone has been invited to speak internationally on pro-life topics and is one of the best speakers in the country. The theme of this year’s banquet is Creating …