Posts Tagged
Elder High School
Obituary: Father Martin Smith-Soucier

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Father Martin Smith-Soucier, Chief Chaplain at Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center of Cincinnati, Ohio, and President of the National Conference of Veterans Affairs Catholic Chaplains (NCVACC), died June 19th at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati with his family and dear friends at his side. He was 69 …
Literacy Network and Learning Through Art Cincinnati Host Family Literacy Night

Through a partnership with Learning Through Art Cincinnati and Elder High School’s Tech-Reach program, the Literacy Network co-hosted their second Family Literacy Night on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at Elder’s Schaeper Center. Children and their parents were invited to gather at Elder High School for an evening of reading with …
Body and Soul: Faith directs steps of JTM President/CEO

“The greatest gift we’ve got in life is being Catholic.” Tony Maas begins every day with an hour of reflecting on Scripture readings, journaling and asking our Lord to direct his steps. Maas is president and chief executive officer of JTM Food Group in Harrison. The company earned $165 million …

Select juniors earn certificates of completion PRICE HILL, CINCINNATI, OH – Elder High School juniors Jeff Tuttle and Tyler Durr attended the 5th annual Greater Cincinnati High School Leadership & Ethics Seminar on February 3rd. The seminar, sponsored by the West Point Society of Cincinnati, provides select sophomore and junior high …
Local KoC to take over Rosary Rally; 2016 rally to be May 15

For the past 10 years, a group of Elder High School Alumni have sponsored a Family Rosary Rally each May. This year, that group will begin to pass the torch. The Archbishop Purcell Council of the Knights of Columbus will assist and shadow the event’s founders during this year’s event, …
Elder High School announces Kurt Ruffing as new principal

Elder High School held a special event Monday afternoon to announce the school’s newest principal, Kurt Ruffing. Ruffing will replace Tom Otten who has served as principal for the last 19 years. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati distributed the following release in concert with the announcement. The Elder Board of Trustees is …
Stretch of Glenway named to honor Elder’s Vietnam dead

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Signs marking a stretch of Glenway Avenue in Price Hill, renamed the Elder High School Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway, were dedicated Sept. 20 during a ceremony at Elder. (Photo Gallery Below) On June 5, Ohio Governor John Kaisch signed a bill directing a section …
Day before beginning practice, Catholic football teams gather to pray [Photos]

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A day before Ohio high school football teams were set to begin two-a-day practices, Catholic high schools from around the region gathered to pray the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West at the Athenaeum of Ohio …
Education Briefs: Elder High School gets anonymous donation
Staff Report Elder High School principal Tom Otten announced a recent gift of $2.5 million received from the school’s “Guardian Angel” family. Otten explained that the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, earned the nickname “because they seem to be aware of our most pressing needs, yet choose to avoid …
Father Jack Mattscheck, retired priest, dies at 88
Father John “Jack” J. Mattscheck died Thursday morning, May 29.