Posts Tagged
Elder High School
Elder High School Graduates 100th Class

PRICE HILL, CINCINNATI, OH – The doors of Elder High School opened in the fall of 1922 with its first class graduating on June 13, 1923. On Tuesday night, May 17, 2022, the historic institution that stands at the corner of Vincent and Regina Avenue in Price Hill celebrated its …
Obituary: Reverend Michael F. Leshney

Reverend Michael F. Leshney died on Sunday, March 27, 2022, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on November 15, 1945, in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. He was ordained on June 2, 1973, at …

CINCINNATI, September 30, 2021 – St. Vincent de Paul, the Greater Catholic League (GCL) South Division and Skyline Chili are teaming up to help tackle hunger in Greater Cincinnati through two food drives, happening at rivalry football games over the next two weekends. Non-perishable food items will be collected during …
Who’s Who?

Who (or what) are all our Catholic high schools named after, anyway? Here’s a quick guide to the names of the archdiocesan and independent Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Archbishop Alter High School, Dayton Named for Karl Joseph Alter, fifth archbishop of Cincinnati, the school opened in …
Elder High School opened Doors in 1922

Elder High School, the oldest high school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has been a mainstay of Price Hill for nearly 100 years. The school, which has more than 22,000 alumni, will celebrate its 100th graduating class in 2022. The high school began when parishioners of St. Lawrence Parish in …
Dave Allen: The Music Man of Cincinnati is an Elder High School Legend

by Kary Ellen Berger For more than 50 years, the name Dave Allen has been synonymous with the music at St. William Church in Price Hill and the Singing Panthers Glee Club at Elder High School. “For someone who has been actively involved with teaching high school-aged students for more …
Obituary: Reverend Edward G. Trippel

Reverend Edward G. Trippel passed away on February 7, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born in Cincinnati on March 4, 1928. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, Ohio. He was ordained on May 28, …
The Tuesday before Christmas: A look back at December 2018

In Today’s Video we look at December 2018 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Our crew went to St. Francis Seraph’s live Nativity, Moerlein Center’s Naitvity displays, Lessons and Carols at the Athenaeum, The Rorate Mass at Old St. Mary’s, The Christmas Gift store at St. Vincent DePaul Society, The Elder-Seton …
Meet the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s New Priests

A Q& A with Deacons Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers, who will be ordained to the priesthood on May 16. DEACON CHRISTOPHER KOMOROSKI Tell us a little bit about you personally. I was born in Arkansas, but moved to Cincinnati when I was 10. My home parish is …
Seton, Elder Honor Their Own with Hall of Fame

by M.D. Pitman Maribeth Samoya and Dave and Carol Allen are legends in the performing arts circles at Elder and Seton. And now, they’re hall-of-famers. The trio was inducted on Feb. 8 into the Seton and Elder Performing Arts Series Hall of Fame, and were honored and humbled by the …