Posts Tagged
Elder High School
Lights, Camera, Elder!

Real World Broadcasting Experience in the Classroom!! By Kary Ellen Berger It’s a Friday night as you tune into a high school football or basketball game. One might expect such a broadcast from a local news station, but this is the ENN—Elder News Network. Established at Elder High School in …
Out and About November 2024

1) Angelico Project Art Exhibition Artist Beth Gully enjoyed sharing her artwork, representing Proverbs 3:5-6, in the Gallagher Student Center gallery. Her painting was one of 45 pieces featured in the Third Annual Greater Cincinnati Angelico Project Juried Art Exhibition. 2) Retreat for the Deaf Community Over 60 people attended …
Bringing Teens Face to Face with Jesus

The archdiocese plans to bring our next generation face- to-face with Jesus Christ: the new Live Vertical program will guide teens to Christ, working with campus ministers and Catholic high school staff to build a structure for transformative and long-term evangelization. “I believe that our students need to personally know …
Recording Elder’s History: Duwel and Langen Bring Their High School to the Community

Editor’s Note: This article was posted in 2023. As we get ready for Football Season 2024, how the Elder News Network runs. Story and photos by M.D. Pitman Elder is not just a high school for Adam Duwel and Jack Langen. For them – and the current student body and …
Discerning the Possibilities; Elder High School Student Prioritizes God’s Will

Discerning God’s call for us, be it to the priesthood, a religious community, marriage or single life, is truly a journey of faith. Nick Hinkel, completing his junior year at Elder High School, has embraced that journey with a desire to deepen his own spirituality, as well as provide opportunities …
A Multi-Team Effort of Good Deeds

Catholic schools have long embraced a spirit of wholesome competition in athletics, but sometimes opponents join together for a good cause. Elder High School’s football team hosted Philadelphia- based Saints Neumann Goretti High School for a week- two contest at The Pit this season. While the Panthers came out on …

CINCINNATI, OH – October 23, 2023 – St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati (SVDP) is launching its 23rd annual Winter Coat Drive. SVDP is asking the public for donations of new and gently used coats, which will be distributed to neighbors in need. In partnership with St. Vincent de Paul …
Obituary: Reverend Harry J. Meyer

Reverend Harry J. Meyer passed away on Thursday, October 5, 2023, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on November 10, 1939, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and baptized at St. William Church, Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, studied two years of philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary …
Working with Young People

Wise, witty, and shrewd was Mr. Joe Acito, my senior English teacher at Elder High School. He affectionately called me “Reverend Scalf.” I have no idea why—I was far from religious, but I guess that was his point. If, when I was in his class, you had told me that …
Homecoming: Alumni return to Work for Catholic Alma Maters

High school is a formative part of the American adolescent experience. Whether that experience is pleasant depends a great deal on the school’s culture. When toxic, people can’t wait to leave. When wonderful, they sometimes come back. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, many Catholic high schools are swarming with alumni …